30 Minute WordPress Workshop: বাংলায়

To discuss about the Career Scope, What is WordPress, Domain and Hosting, Theme & Plugins, UI Design & more! at just

Then you can purchase the full 15 Days Course that is Rs. 2,999/-

Topics to be discussed:

✅ Career Scope Website Designer
✅ What is WordPress, Domain and Hosting
✅ How you can Installing WordPress
✅ What is Theme & Plugins
✅ How You Can Take Advantages of AI (Artificial Intelligence)
✅ What is UI Design & Customization
✅ What is Content & Basic SEO

Workshop Details:

Language: বাংলা

Duration: 30 To 45 Minutes

Date & Time: Will be announced soon on WhatsApp

Workshop Fees: Rs. 199/-

Qualification: Anyone can join👍

Platform: Online (Google Meet)

Hands-on learning with real-time demonstrations

Clear, concise, and easy-to-follow steps

No prior technical knowledge is required

Pay Rs. 199/-
To Enroll Yourself Now!

Learn Website Design on

WordPress: বাংলায় মাত্র 15 দিনে বাড়িতে বসে!


Over 10+ Years of Experience & Full-time Freelancer


Be A Full-time Freelancer

Design Your Own Website

Apply For Part-time or Full-time Jobs

Rs. 199/- Only

Reserve Your Spot Today!

Once your payment is confirmed, you’ll be added to a dedicated WhatsApp group where all future updates and communications will be shared directly

Terms & Conditions:
1. This payment is for 30 mins workshop only. After this workshop you can purchase the full course.
2. After successful payment, a text notification will be shared to the registered phone number. Please keep that text for any payment related reference.
3. This amount is non-refundable in any circumstances.